Monday, July 19, 2010

June 28, 2010

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLO! how in the crap are you guys DOIN?! mexico is still mexico. but seriously ive never seen an obsession like what these people have with soccer haha the world cup is seriously their lives. and EVERYBODY. even the old ladies are following it haha yesterday mexico played argentina and it was the middle of the day and in a huge city like morelia and it was EMPTY it was so cuhrazy. nobody wants to listen to anything while games are on even if its not mexico playing. oh my heck last monday in the night time we had a family home evening at a members house and we brought an investigator and her daughter cuz the family home evenings are usually way fun and stuff but this one was so awkward hahah there was a baby there and it was crying the WHOLE night and no one could really hear each other, then the guy who owned the house was like ´i have a movie we could watch´ so i was relieved cuz i thought it would be somethign good, then he put on the most AWKWARD church movie ive ever seen haha it was about the life of joseph smith and it was like 30 minutes long and it was soooooooo weird hahah like it made me feel weird and ive been a member my whole life. it showed the angels´ faces that appeared to joseph smith and it was sooooo fake and bad hahahahaha ohhh my heck it was one of the those times where you just look at the ground cuz its so uncomfortable hahaha then the movie ended and i was like ´huh. well is anyone thirsty?´ hahahhhahaha ohhh my im not sure what the investigator thought but oh well. we started teaching a new guy this week and hes a MATADOR! how sweet is that? hes absolutely crazy and doesnt really agree with anything haha but i like going to his house cuz its right outside of the bull fighting arena and he has all these trophies and old pictures of him bullfighting and awards and he has cool stories hes cool but im not sure how many more tims we´re gonna go back haha oh my k then we taught a lesson to valerias mom cuz she still wants to get baptized but shes seperated from her husband and has a boyfriend so she has to get divorced before she can get baptized, but anyways we were at her house and here sister came over and in mexico when people say hi to eachother they lean in and kiss each other on the cheek so im just sitting there on the couch and the sister walks in so i stood up and shook her hand and said hi and she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek hahahahahahhahahaahhahaha then i looked at elder smith and he was sooo shocked and she went over to him and did the same thing hahhahahahahahahaha she walked out of the room and i laughed for seriously 10 minutes hhahahahahahahahahahahaa ohhhh my heck it was so funny. the next day we went over to the ladys house who watched the awkward joseph smith movie with us. her name is ruth and shes a theres pictures of herself alll over her house and she has a little 7 year old daughter whos EXACTLY like bailey shes so funny. anyways we were in her house with her and it was super late and then she started telling us about all these crazy problems that she has in her family and how her house is haunted and her dad is a wizard and her sister in law is a witch and all this crazy stuff so she asked if there was anything we could do and elder smith said we could give her a blessing and she said she wanted one and that she wanted me to give one to her hahah it was another one of those ´where the crap am i?´ moments haha i was like im in the middle of mexico in a supermodels house now im gonna give her a blessing and try to cast these demons out of her house and do it all i spanish hahahaha ohhh my she told me she hasnt had any problems since then though. its hilarious cuz we are supposed to take members with us to lessons but they never wanna come, and this ruth lady came to church with us last week and after all the guys in the ward were like ´hey i can go with you guys sometime this week if you wanna go visit ruth she seems like a nice lady´ hahahah they act like we dont know whats going on. mandy! this week we ate with this guy and he gave us good food and told us there was dessert, and guess what it was? NORWEIGEN PANCAKES! k im not sure thats what they REALLY were but they tasted just like them and he gave us peanut butter to put on them! cool huh? we´re also teaching this guy named louis who owns a little gas station type store.
my comp told me that i speak spanish in my sleep cool huh? ashley we´re twins now! yesterday in church the mariachi guys wife and daughter got confirmed in sacrament. the wife asked me to confirm her and its pretty sketchy cuz the WHOLE WARD watches cuz its right in the middle of sacrament its like a baby blessing. i think it went ok though. welll i think thats pretty much all that happened this week! im trying to send youguys some stuff bt i wanna do it through dhl so it makes it to you hahah anyways i love you guys and miss you tons! have a fun 4th WITHOUT ME! geeeez. love you guys!

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