Monday, July 19, 2010

June 21, 2010

hey hey hey ma fammmilaaayyyyyyyyyyy. its your son who youve FORGOTTEN! just kidddddin. ummmm whats happened this week. i cant remember if i told you guys already but last week i had to give a talk in sacrament about the joy of missionary work haha i think it went ok though! geez i thought my farewell talk seemed like a long time to talk i had to give the same length of talk but in GERMAN. or whatever it is im speaking over hurrr. oh my mom guess what im way good at cooking i think hahahaha i made that suddenly salad stuff and those mashed potatoes and they both tasted way good! I DONT CARE IF YOU JUST ADD WATER! haha but those things were so perfect mom! oh yeah! ok. i have a couple requests for you mom. theres a guy in our ward who used to live in the united states and asked me if youd send me a recipe for carrot cake haha he said he loved it. when he asked me hes like ´sabe la receta de un pastel que se llama pastel de conejo o algo asi?´ which means ´do you know the recipe of a cake called rabbit cake or something like that?´ hahahah i was sooo confused for so long hahah i could not think what rabbit cake could be. and also! this lady in our ward loves the jello puddings that come in boxes, so she said that if you could send some to me in my next package for her she would pay you back! so i hope your ok with pesos haha she said that shed loveee some vanilla and chocolate jello pudding boxes. shes the lady that gave us ribs and root beer. this week she made us hamburgers haha shes way cool. oh guess what? theres this kid that just got transferred into our zone and i knew him from cedar ridge! cool huh? i cant remember his name but when we saw each other we just recognized each other and we got talking and he was on my soccer team for all the years that we lived in american fork! i cant remmeber his name now but hes a leeeetle tiny mexican kid haha hes way funny. elder rodriguez? i cant remember for sure. oh my this week we had a party at the church for the dads like we had for the moms and it was so hilarious im gonna try to send you a video i took of one of the dances they did. they LOVE to coreograph dances here haha there was like 5 dances it was so funny. oh k you know the cool mariachi family? well the mom and the daughter got baptized yesterday so that was way cool. the dad still wants to wait until he can for sure come to church every week cuz he is still working saturday nights until like 5 in the morning. i love that family they are soo cool. and they have a dog named max! oh i got another letter from Dale Hansen this week. ive gotten two from him so will you tell him thanks a ton from me? GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIAS. ummmmmmmmm what else. im gonna try to send some pictures really quick. im not sure if you guys watch the world cup or not but people here are absolutely crazy about it haha its constantly on and when the games end they just start them over and watch them over and over again. mexico beat france the other day and people were running through the streets screaming it was so hilarious haha everyone listens in their cars too so all the cars were honking their horns and stuff it was soooo crazy for like 15 minutes. alllllllllllllllllllll right im gonna try to send some pictures really quick but i hope you guys had an awesome week! ihavent really read any letters yet cuz im just gonna print them off but i love you guys! have a fun week and write me tons!

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