Monday, July 19, 2010
July 19, 2010
FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! im YELLING! FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS A TI. FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS A TI. FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS A MAMZIES. ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS A TI! happy b day mom!!!!!! how the crap are you guys doing! mom im sending a package today i think so you can pick something out of it for your bday! happy bday! i hope you have tonsof fun. oh and about the package...ehhh.... i think it might be kinda expensive to send... :/ hahhaha but i´ll see what happens. oh we didnt have changes! im soooo happy i really didnt wanna go anywhere i love it here. our ward is so cool and theres tons of cool people we´re teaching right now and me and elder smith get a long good. so i told you last week we went to the zoo and the elders in our district said they pay to get my face painted, so i did it haha just thinkiing i could wash it off anytime. so i get my face painted like a mouse hahahah but she put tons of red glitter on my face so this whole week ive had glitter all over me cuz the paint and stuff wouldnt come off haha ummm oh yeah! elder dogood went to guadalajara last pday to sign his visa and he brought me a package from you guys! he brought back one and it had a bunch of food like potatoes and peanutbutter and gushers and stuff! thank you SOOOO MUCH i didnt even have to buy groceries today haha oh my gushers dont exist here so i gave some so some mexicans here in our ward and our mexican zone leader and they love them sooo much hahah everyones like ´this is the best thing ive ever tasted´ haha so thanks for all that food! i ordered a new name tag too a while ago and elder dogood brought that to me too its way cool it says ´elder tibbitts watson´ haha cuz with mexican names like luis rodriguez gonzales, its because his dads name is rodriguez and his mom´s name gonzales so i made one like that haha ummm what else. i burned my tie tuesday night! i invited all my favorite people from the ward to go get tacos and it turned into a party hahaha we got in a little bit of trouble cuz there were so many people cuz after we all got tacos they came to our house to watch us burn stuff. i burned a tie, and i found out that elder smith has 15 months in his mission and has never burned ANYTHING! so i made him burn a shirt hahaha hes coming out of his shell a ton its good. hahaha then the other day we went to this big store called soriana, its kinda like wal mart, and outside there was a van and in the back a dental chair and they said they were giving free dental check ups hahha so we did it hahahahah the lady was NOT a dentist hahah shes like ´well...not of your teeth are i think your good´ hahhha then that same night we were walking down the street and a vw bug was driving towards us and one of the wheels just FELL OFF hahhhhhahhhhaa like in the movies hahahahahahahahaha ohhhh my heck i seroiusly thought i was dreaming it just rolled off the car and the car just fell to the ground and stopped moving hahaha so we helped him put the wheel back on and push his car to the side of the road. ohhh ive eaten so many pb and j sandwiches thank you sooo much for the peanut butter! this week we ate with a family that loves the fresh prince of bel air and i was talking to the kids about it and they taught me the theme song in spanish haha how cool is that? ummm oh yesterday we baptized haha i forgot about that. their names were saraid and her mom mirella. i baptized saraid and my comp baptized mirella. saraid gave the closing prayer at her service and it was so cool cuz she just kept saying how grateful she was for us for finding her and all this stuff i dont know it was just cool. well thanks for everything guys and have a way good week and an awesome birthday mom! i wish i could be there! but i´ll be there for the next one when you turn 60! love you guys tons and keep writing i love your letters! hasta lunes!!!!!!!!
July 12, 2010
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh family! my friend jose luis said that he added me on facebook and that he saw a picture of us on there hahaaha thats hilarious. ummmm what else. the lady and her son we were supposed to baptize went to guadalajara for the weekend so we have to wait until this week to do it. oh yeah im at 6 months tomorrow! hoyeah. voy a quemar una corbata. we helped paint this ladys house this week that has parkinsons disease its way sad cuz her house is a disaster there are all these huge rats and cockroaches everywhere so the ward is trying to clean it up so we went there saturday to help and me my comp and 2 other guys showed up haha so me and my comp painted and they tried to re do the electricity in her house. oh but what i was gonna tell you is i wore jeans to the service thing and i havent worn them for way long and i pulled them out and tried to put them on and they wouldnt fit at all like not even close i think ive gained tons of weight....hahahhaha no just kidding they fit like normal. but i havent worn them since like the mtc so i pull the jeans out and go to put them on and theres this HUGE spider web inside hahah how sick is that and there was this giant spider just sitting in there it was so nasty. painting went good we just painted the outside of the house. all the houses here are made of concrete so painting went pretty fast. we had a zone conference this week and mom i think you said you sent stuff but i guess none of it has gotten here cuz there wasnt anything at the zone conference for me i hope that i dont get changed this monday cuz i love this area and theres stuff in those packages for members in this ward haha ummmmm what else. oh yeah hahaha every night on the way home we walk across this bridge and there isnt any like rails or anything on the sides so you can fall in the river way easy and its the sickest river ever hahah it just is sitting still and its sooo full of nasty stuff theres really a dead dog floating in it and it stinks soooo bad so the other night we were walking home and i tripped getting on the bridge and was sooooooooooooo close to falling in the river hahahahha ohhhh my i seriously would have died in there its so nasty. today for p day we went to the zoo it was way funny they have tons of cool animals here cuz i think its easier for them to get them or something cuz there were tons of animals i didnt even know existed haha but it was fun i got to hold a monkey i dont think ill have time to send pictures but they also had a tiger that you could pet but it was 50 pesos to do it so i just took pictures haha but can you believe they just let you pet tigers and stuff like that? haha i dont think they have the same rules here haha well i think we have to go cuz we had a district meeting 5 minutes ago but i love you guys tons and miss you! mom if i get transferred next monday and dont get to email you happy birthday! what are you like 60 now? haha you old LADY have a good birthday! i love and miss you guys have an awesome week!
July 5, 2010
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmily! im seriously shouting right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! i dont know if you guys have seen but the entire country of mexico is under WATER! im typing this email on the hood of a car floating down the river that used to be a street! ahhhh! ohh my last monday i went to a bbq with this guy named HENRY CASE that used to live in ogden! we passed by his house on the way to an appointment and he asked if we wanted to go in and eat with him and we said sure, and his whole family was back there. he fed us this soup with chicken that i was sure was raw, but we didnt wanna be rude cuz he really was way nice and they hardly had anything so we ate it and sure enough me and my comp were super sick after hahha oh dad! ok i looked up our direction! our street sign has a bunch of grafitti over it so i cant see what it says, but i looked on a map and it said ´av. jose ma. lino p.´ hahhahha im not sure if that helps but thats the best i could do! that soup stuff made my comp pretty sick for a few days, so he asked if i could give him a blessing so i gave him a blessing and he said i blessed him to find someone that could help him feel better, then today we were clear on the other side of our area and we felt like we should go visit the mariachi family to check how they were, and we got there and it was just the dad and his cousins and we werent really doing anything and i thought ´why did we feel like we should come over here?´ then a couple minutes later his wife got home and was like ´elder smith you dont look very good! let me make you something that will make you feel better´ and she made this weird drink with coke, lime and this corn meal stuff haha and he felt totally fine after he drank it! then shes like ´well i gotta go i´ll see you guys later!´ hahah isnt that cool? ahhhh what did you guys do for the 4th?! i havent read your emails yet cuz im gonna print them but i missed home so much yesterday! i love the fourth so much and i missed it! they dont do anything here but every once and a while we´d here like firecrackers or something go off we baptized ruth yesterday the lady that i had to cast demons out of her house so hopefully ive got times to send pictures! theres also a new missionary here that went to viewmont that went to viewmont but played soccer with chad and adam and all of them! its weird to know someone with the same friends. anyways i cant wait to read your emails! i love you guys and miss you tons! thanks for everything! when i email next week im gonna have 6 months! crazy huh! loveyou guys!
June 28, 2010
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLO! how in the crap are you guys DOIN?! mexico is still mexico. but seriously ive never seen an obsession like what these people have with soccer haha the world cup is seriously their lives. and EVERYBODY. even the old ladies are following it haha yesterday mexico played argentina and it was the middle of the day and in a huge city like morelia and it was EMPTY it was so cuhrazy. nobody wants to listen to anything while games are on even if its not mexico playing. oh my heck last monday in the night time we had a family home evening at a members house and we brought an investigator and her daughter cuz the family home evenings are usually way fun and stuff but this one was so awkward hahah there was a baby there and it was crying the WHOLE night and no one could really hear each other, then the guy who owned the house was like ´i have a movie we could watch´ so i was relieved cuz i thought it would be somethign good, then he put on the most AWKWARD church movie ive ever seen haha it was about the life of joseph smith and it was like 30 minutes long and it was soooooooo weird hahah like it made me feel weird and ive been a member my whole life. it showed the angels´ faces that appeared to joseph smith and it was sooooo fake and bad hahahahaha ohhh my heck it was one of the those times where you just look at the ground cuz its so uncomfortable hahaha then the movie ended and i was like ´huh. well is anyone thirsty?´ hahahhhahaha ohhh my im not sure what the investigator thought but oh well. we started teaching a new guy this week and hes a MATADOR! how sweet is that? hes absolutely crazy and doesnt really agree with anything haha but i like going to his house cuz its right outside of the bull fighting arena and he has all these trophies and old pictures of him bullfighting and awards and he has cool stories hes cool but im not sure how many more tims we´re gonna go back haha oh my k then we taught a lesson to valerias mom cuz she still wants to get baptized but shes seperated from her husband and has a boyfriend so she has to get divorced before she can get baptized, but anyways we were at her house and here sister came over and in mexico when people say hi to eachother they lean in and kiss each other on the cheek so im just sitting there on the couch and the sister walks in so i stood up and shook her hand and said hi and she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek hahahahahahhahahaahhahaha then i looked at elder smith and he was sooo shocked and she went over to him and did the same thing hahhahahahahahahaha she walked out of the room and i laughed for seriously 10 minutes hhahahahahahahahahahahaa ohhhh my heck it was so funny. the next day we went over to the ladys house who watched the awkward joseph smith movie with us. her name is ruth and shes a theres pictures of herself alll over her house and she has a little 7 year old daughter whos EXACTLY like bailey shes so funny. anyways we were in her house with her and it was super late and then she started telling us about all these crazy problems that she has in her family and how her house is haunted and her dad is a wizard and her sister in law is a witch and all this crazy stuff so she asked if there was anything we could do and elder smith said we could give her a blessing and she said she wanted one and that she wanted me to give one to her hahah it was another one of those ´where the crap am i?´ moments haha i was like im in the middle of mexico in a supermodels house now im gonna give her a blessing and try to cast these demons out of her house and do it all i spanish hahahaha ohhh my she told me she hasnt had any problems since then though. its hilarious cuz we are supposed to take members with us to lessons but they never wanna come, and this ruth lady came to church with us last week and after all the guys in the ward were like ´hey i can go with you guys sometime this week if you wanna go visit ruth she seems like a nice lady´ hahahah they act like we dont know whats going on. mandy! this week we ate with this guy and he gave us good food and told us there was dessert, and guess what it was? NORWEIGEN PANCAKES! k im not sure thats what they REALLY were but they tasted just like them and he gave us peanut butter to put on them! cool huh? we´re also teaching this guy named louis who owns a little gas station type store.
my comp told me that i speak spanish in my sleep cool huh? ashley we´re twins now! yesterday in church the mariachi guys wife and daughter got confirmed in sacrament. the wife asked me to confirm her and its pretty sketchy cuz the WHOLE WARD watches cuz its right in the middle of sacrament its like a baby blessing. i think it went ok though. welll i think thats pretty much all that happened this week! im trying to send youguys some stuff bt i wanna do it through dhl so it makes it to you hahah anyways i love you guys and miss you tons! have a fun 4th WITHOUT ME! geeeez. love you guys!
my comp told me that i speak spanish in my sleep cool huh? ashley we´re twins now! yesterday in church the mariachi guys wife and daughter got confirmed in sacrament. the wife asked me to confirm her and its pretty sketchy cuz the WHOLE WARD watches cuz its right in the middle of sacrament its like a baby blessing. i think it went ok though. welll i think thats pretty much all that happened this week! im trying to send youguys some stuff bt i wanna do it through dhl so it makes it to you hahah anyways i love you guys and miss you tons! have a fun 4th WITHOUT ME! geeeez. love you guys!
June 21, 2010
hey hey hey ma fammmilaaayyyyyyyyyyy. its your son who youve FORGOTTEN! just kidddddin. ummmm whats happened this week. i cant remember if i told you guys already but last week i had to give a talk in sacrament about the joy of missionary work haha i think it went ok though! geez i thought my farewell talk seemed like a long time to talk i had to give the same length of talk but in GERMAN. or whatever it is im speaking over hurrr. oh my mom guess what im way good at cooking i think hahahaha i made that suddenly salad stuff and those mashed potatoes and they both tasted way good! I DONT CARE IF YOU JUST ADD WATER! haha but those things were so perfect mom! oh yeah! ok. i have a couple requests for you mom. theres a guy in our ward who used to live in the united states and asked me if youd send me a recipe for carrot cake haha he said he loved it. when he asked me hes like ´sabe la receta de un pastel que se llama pastel de conejo o algo asi?´ which means ´do you know the recipe of a cake called rabbit cake or something like that?´ hahahah i was sooo confused for so long hahah i could not think what rabbit cake could be. and also! this lady in our ward loves the jello puddings that come in boxes, so she said that if you could send some to me in my next package for her she would pay you back! so i hope your ok with pesos haha she said that shed loveee some vanilla and chocolate jello pudding boxes. shes the lady that gave us ribs and root beer. this week she made us hamburgers haha shes way cool. oh guess what? theres this kid that just got transferred into our zone and i knew him from cedar ridge! cool huh? i cant remember his name but when we saw each other we just recognized each other and we got talking and he was on my soccer team for all the years that we lived in american fork! i cant remmeber his name now but hes a leeeetle tiny mexican kid haha hes way funny. elder rodriguez? i cant remember for sure. oh my this week we had a party at the church for the dads like we had for the moms and it was so hilarious im gonna try to send you a video i took of one of the dances they did. they LOVE to coreograph dances here haha there was like 5 dances it was so funny. oh k you know the cool mariachi family? well the mom and the daughter got baptized yesterday so that was way cool. the dad still wants to wait until he can for sure come to church every week cuz he is still working saturday nights until like 5 in the morning. i love that family they are soo cool. and they have a dog named max! oh i got another letter from Dale Hansen this week. ive gotten two from him so will you tell him thanks a ton from me? GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIAS. ummmmmmmmm what else. im gonna try to send some pictures really quick. im not sure if you guys watch the world cup or not but people here are absolutely crazy about it haha its constantly on and when the games end they just start them over and watch them over and over again. mexico beat france the other day and people were running through the streets screaming it was so hilarious haha everyone listens in their cars too so all the cars were honking their horns and stuff it was soooo crazy for like 15 minutes. alllllllllllllllllllll right im gonna try to send some pictures really quick but i hope you guys had an awesome week! ihavent really read any letters yet cuz im just gonna print them off but i love you guys! have a fun week and write me tons!
June 14, 2010
fammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmilay! i got the package with the ipod cord and the food! mom those mashed potatoes were the best thing ever! umm what else. i have 5 months so thats cool! ummm oh my this lady that fed us the other day gave us corn on the cob, ribs, oreo ice cream and ROOT BEER hahah root beer doesnt exist in mexico! can you believe that?! i was so thankful to her it felt like i was in the united states again. the mariachi family accepted a baptism date for this sunday so that would be cool if that happened! mmm what else. i have to direct the area cuz elder barnes left but its been good ive liked it. oh yeah we got a new missionary in our district from the mtc named elder DOGOOD hahahhahahaha ahhhh hes so dingy hahahahah i have to take a picture with him and send it to you. the name dogood is so perfect for him. nothing too exciting happened this week it doesnt seem like! its gonna be fathers day! happy fathers day pops! i sent you an email but here ya go again haha anyways i love you guys and i emailed all ofyou! i hope...ehhhh...hahahah anyways thanks for all you guys do for me! im gonna try and send some pictures really quick. have an awesome week and email me some cool stories! drink some water out of the tap for me haha que les vaya bien! les amo!
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