Monday, August 2, 2010
August 2, 2010
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYY FAMMMMMMMMMMIRRRRRAYYYYYYYYY! HIGHHHHHHHH GUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :////////////////////// how the crap is everybody this weeeeeeeeeeeeeeek ehhhh? ummm...........this week wasnt too exciting. and by that i mean i didnt light anyones house on fire :/ ummm what happened...... this week i was on splits cuz my comp was in guadalajara for most of the week. i was with elder DOGOOD hahahhahaha hes sooooooooooooooooo LOUD and from texas and he got here like a month ago. he is hilarious it was so funny being with him oh my heck. we just told stories to each other all week (hi brooke) it was way fun. we were together for 4 days so two days we worked in my area and 2 days we worked in his. in my area we stopped and got juice at this way good place where this old lady makes all these way good drinks by hand. hahhaha but these old ladies work there and we sat down and talked to them and now we´re buddies i´ll try to send you guys a picture of us. one of the days we were in his area we went and visited this guy named moises he lives like 45 minutes away in these way ghetto apartment complexes. we got there and right when i saw him i just felt way bad for him for some reason. elder dogood didnt really know the guy he just said that he was cool. we walked into his apartment and there was NOTHING in there it was so sad. he looked like a mexican ace ventura haha his hair was identical. but anyways we sit down and i didnt even know why but i just felt like i should tell him i was his friend hahahahhahaha i thought it was weird but i felt like i should do it so i just told him that i was his buddy and that i would come hang out with him whenever he wanted to talk to somebody and id do whatever he needed me to do to help him out and he still hadnt said a word then he just looked up at me from the couch he was on and started crying and was like ´my wife left me this week and now im here alone with our 2 kids cuz she wants to be with another guy and i dont have any kind of work and they´ve shut off our power and water. we probably cant stay here for very much longer cuz we cant afford it, and now i found out i have cancer´ ohhhhhh my can you believe that? so i just talked to him for like an hour and just tried to make him feel better and stuff he was the nicest guy and his kids were so cool i felt so bad for them. he said the only money he has is from these little pictures of jesus that he sells for 3 pesos each. thats like 25 cents a picture isnt that crazy? after we got done talking i told him i wanted to buy 3 pictures, so i gave him a 50 peso bill and he went into the other room to get change and me and elder dogood ran out the door hahaha i felt sooooo sorry for him. so thats the depressing story of the week hahahahah ummm what else happened. oh yeah! hahahahahhahhhahaah k so this investigator that we have was telling us that a lot of taco stands here in morelia are getting shut down because they´ve been killing the dogs that wander in the streets and MAKING TACOS OUT OF THEM hahahhahahaha she said that a place got shut down just barely on this street that we´ve bought tacos at before hahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha ohhhh my gosh how sick is that? and the dogs here are SOOO NASTY hahah. oh yeah! on monday i got my 6 month package! it was at the other house where elder dogood lives! thank you guys soooooo much! the reeses melted but i put them in the fridge and theyre good now so thank you so much! for all the letters and everything! im so glad that the package i sent got home! i was nervous it would get stuck at the border or something after i spent all that money sending it. this week there was this huuuuge youth conference for the whole state of michoacan here in morelia. it was a pretty big deal i guess even the governer came haha but all the youth came and it was in this huggge theatre in downtown called teatro morelos. it was soooo cool. they put on this like 2 hour play and noooobody knew their lines hahaha there were so many awkward silences so the missionaries would just cheer way loud hahaha it was uncomfortable then the missionaries sang a song to close. we practiced it soooo much, then we got on stage to sing it and they didnt give us microphones so no one could here us anyways hahahaha i felt like i was yelling and it was stiil sooo quiet hahah i think cuz its such a huge theatre but after they took all the missionairies out to eat at mcdonalds it was soooo good. haha oh yeah yesterday at church i confirmed the same girl that i baptized last week. then after that the elders quorum president came and sat by me and hes like ´hey can you teach the lesson in priesthood today? so we get in priesthood and i see theres this guy there who LOVES to talk so i start the class and i ask him a question, and he seriously talked for the whole class. haha really for the whole thing. then we prayed and it was over hahahahha but i think thats pretty much all that happened this week! i miss you guys tons and hope your having fun with summer thats almost OVVVVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! but anyways miss and love you guys!
June 26, 2010
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HEEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MI FAMILIA!!!!! what the crap is going on there back in YASMILLE YUMA? hahah guess what? the other day i saw a car with utah licence plates haha it was the best thing ever. i wanted to take a picture but it was raining harder than ive ever seen in my whole entire life. we were using umbrellas and i was still dripping wet there wasnt any part of me dry and all the streets turn into rivers haha we were up to our shins in water and it really does get cold! after it stopped raining we could see our breath! crazy huh? my comp got sick again after that day and now he drinks tea all the time haha mmmmmmmm what happened this week.....oh yeah hahahhahah ok last tuesday we went to ruths house to help her pull some weeds in her front yard, so we helped her do that, then shes like ´um..could you guys help me patch some holes on my roof?´ so we were like sure but all the houses here are made of concrete and all the roofs are flat with drains for the water to drain, so we went and bought concrete and i was the one that had to carry the bag of concrete up the ladder of her 3 story house hahah it was horrifying especially when i got to the top and had to take the bag of concrete off my shoulder and throw it on the roof haha so i got up there and mixed up the concrete and patched up the cracks, then she climbed up and was like ´that looks good, but maybe we should just cover the whole roof with it´ haha so i ended up putting concrete across her whole roof haha but it turned out good. so then we come back down from the roof and theres this huge pile of weeds on the side of her house, and she asked if we would help her burn them. so i started trying to light them on fire, but they were way wet cuz its been raining, so it wouldnt really light on fire, then shes like ´would it work if we bought gasoline?´ hahah i was like ´umm...i think so´ hahha so we went and bought gas and filled it up in an old juice container, and we came back to the house hahahahhahaha ohhhh this was sooo bad k so we come back to the house and we go to the pile of weeds, and i take the lid off the can of gas, and start pouring it on the pile but i guess there were still some sparks on the bottom from when i tried to light it earlier cuz the fire jumped from the weeds and started the container and my hand on fire hahahhaha it scared me way bad so i dropped the container, but when i did that all this gas splashed on the side of her house and the whole side of her HOUSE started on fire hahahhahahahahahhahahaha ahhhhhh hahahahh so her house is on fire and so is this FULL container of gas right on the side of her house, so i ran around back and filled up this bucket with water, but when i threw it on the fire it just splashed more gas and made it worse hahahhahhahhahhaha but luckily her house was made of concrete so it didnt burn down hahahhahahahhhahaha ohhhhhhh my heck if we werent in mexico that could have been suuuch a disaster hhahahhaha oh yeah! i didnt have to buy groceries last week cuz i got that package, so i bought this sweeeeet suit from this lady we´re teaching for 200 pesos or like 18 dollars hahaha how sweet is that? its seriously such a sweet suit its grey pinstriped. the ladys dad used to be a lawyer but shes selling all his clothes haha but it looks new! it reminds me of the office when dwight is like ´this tux is my grandfathers. he was BURIED in it´ hahhaha the jacket fits way good but the pants are 36 and i need like a 32 but i think theirs a lady in our ward that does that for free. soooo that was cool. whhhhaat else. oh yeah. remember saraid the lady we baptized last week? she asked if id be her godfather? haha i have no idea what that is but i said yes :/ i dont really have any responsibility..right? we baptized yesterday too. we baptized a lady named miriam and her daughter lorena. this guy named hermano galicia baptized miriam cuz shes his sister, and i baptized lorena. all that went good, but we went to the church a couple hours early to start fillling up the font and there was the biggest spider ive ever seen dead in the font. it was soo huge with these nasty legs it was so sick. mmmm what else. oh yeah this week at the church we had an activity called trip to hawaii, where we invited everyone and told them we were going on a trip to hawaii and it was free. well our ward mission leader planned it all so we thought it would be cool,. but we get there and everyone goes into the sacrament room and all the seats are set up like a plane so we thought it was gonna be cool, and on the wall hes projecting this movie of the inside of a plane like going through all the pre flight safety stuff so if really did feel real, then the plane takes off and then we´re flying for a sec and its all peaceful, then the movie cuts to a clip of one of the planes hitting one of the twin towers on 911! what the crap? so the activity was that after that everyone that ´died´ in the plane crash had to go to the different rooms in the church to learn about heaven and stuff haha it was...weird hahaha me and my comp just kept looking at each other like ´what the crap....´ hahah especially the 911 part it was weird but after that we played volleyball in the rain and they sold all this food and had karaoke so that was fun but only a couple of investigators came to the airplane part and the rest were members so that was good hahhahha oh yeah! i sent a package home last monday! it was pretty expensive to send haha i hope it got home. the guy told me it was gonna be 1700 pesos and i was like ´wow. ok yeah i guess so´ and hes like ´are you sure?´ hahah like trying to talk me out of it cuz it was so expensive so i hope it got there! anyways thanks for all you guys do for me i hope that you have a way fun week! you guys only have a month of summer left MUA HA HAHA. but. have fun with it. gage i cant believe your old enough to go to efy that is soooooooooooooooo weird to me. do you have braces yet? oh and i saw that picture of bailey and edwin. bailey looks like shes 13! what the crap is going on? anyways i love you guys tons! thanks for writing and write me tons this week! miss you guys and love you!
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